Mrs. Sindi Linda
Departmental Overview
The Corporate Services Department is the heart of the Municipality and supports the functions of all the other departments in the Municipality. The Department provides support services and ensures that all administrative functions of the Municipality are properly managed.
Core Functions
The Corporate Services Department is responsible for the following units, Committee and Secretariat Support, Labour Relations, Occupational Health and Safety, Skills Development, Human Resource Administration, Records Management, Employee Wellness Support, Auxiliary Services and Security Services.
Functional Responsibility
- Committee and Secretarial Support
The section is responsible for providing secretarial support to council and its committees, which covers the whole spectrum of decision management from the stage when the item is submitted to Council or its committees until the resolution has been taken and implemented.
- Labour Relations
The duties of the Senior Labour Relations officer can be structured as follows: Case Management and Administrative duties.
2.1 Case Management
- Interpretation of the nature of cases through the studying of transcripts from the enquiry. Researching the caselaw and interpreting the reference of outcomes to the charges against the employees.
- Preparations and submission of all documents in connection with charging, defending and/ or appealing against ruling/award.
2.2 Case Presentation
- To represent the Council at internal disciplinary enquiries, CCMA, Bargaining Council and Labour Court.
- To analyse evidence, interpret specific Labour related policies, procedures, legislation as well as case law.
- Preparation of an advice on the prospects of success should the Council wish to take the matter on review as well as implications thereof.
2.3 Administrative Duties
- To update and align policies with the legislative changes.
- To provide advice to the Management and staff members on the implementation of Labour legislation, policies and procedures.
- Preparation of the L.L.F meetings.
- Preparation of relevant reports for portfolio committee and,
- To conduct trainings for staff members with Labour related matters and during induction for newly appointed staff members.
- Occupational Health and Safety
The section is responsible with Occupational Health & Safety compliance according to the OHS ACT 85 of 1993, to provide for the safety and health of persons at work and in connection with the use of plant or machinery, the section further provides for the protection of people other than people at work (Visitors to the Municipality) from hazards arising out or in connection with the activities arising from within ZDM.
- Training & Development
The primary function of the Training & Development Section is to promote the principles of lifelong learning within the Zululand District Municipality and undertakes to develop a comprehensive Skills Development Programme that will transfer skills to all employees, to make them competitive in the global economy and to ensure compliance with the Skills Development Act and other legislative mandates. The Municipality allocates financial and material resources to equip both councillors and employees with skills that will give effect to its vision. Such programmes include Employee Study bursaries, Council Skills support programme, Mayoral Unemployed youth bursary programme and Unemployed graduate’s programme.
- Human Resources Administration
The Human Resources Administration Section deals with the following
- Facilitation of recruitment and selection processes
- Employee Induction
- Engagements and termination of staff
- Employee benefits administration
- Processing of staff exit claims
- Personnel information Management
- Job Evaluation Processes
- Employment Equity
- Leave Management
- Records Management
Records Management Section keep records to ensure that the Zululand District Municipality Council secures sound records management, this is fundamental for good governance, effective and efficient administration of municipal records.
- Employee Wellness Support / Employee Assistance Programme
The section facilitates the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) which is designed to assist in identifying and finding resolutions to problems affecting employees. These problems are not limited to health, family, financial, alcohol and drug use, emotional, stress and other personal concerns which may adversely affect employee’s performance.
- Auxiliary Services
The component is responsible for building and maintenance of all municipal buildings including but not limited to satellite offices, water treatment works, sewer treatments plants.
- Security Services
The Security Services is, among other things responsible for the following:
- Protection of the Zululand District Municipality’s Infrastructure.
- Ensure the safety of the ZDM employees within the working environment and secure the provision of close protection to the principals of ZDM.